Simple Steps To Wanting To Write Ad Copy

Most home business owners dread sitting down and writing ad copy or sales letters. The thought of writing sends chills up their back and they generally find something else to do. At least until the inevitable must happen. Writing good powerful ad copy and sales letters will always be a huge burden and a constant avoidance until or unless you understand the secret 3 steps. Once you know these steps you will not only be able to quickly and easily write powerful copy quickly but I will bet you will find it much more enjoyable.

So what is the secret you ask? The 3 steps are simple, but first let me define the major principal. Here it is "the act of writing and re-writing are two entirely and different things and should be done separately. When I discovered this through one of mentors it was like a light bulb went off. I was making it so difficult because I was trying to be a perfectionist rather than just going with the flow.

Here is what I mean. Step One: block out two to three hours a day when you are most productive. For me that is the early morning for others it might be late evening. As a home business entrepreneur you can carve out anytime to the day that works best.

But it is important that you are mentally alert, have sufficient energy and feel like you are at your best. Step Two: Then just start writing. Let the energy flow. Don't worry about spelling problems, or even if the content does not flow.

You are really trying to get all your thoughts down on paper, organization comes later. Just write whatever comes to your mind. Don't think about what you are putting down, when you think you stink. But do remember to be yourself. Now put it away until later! Step Three: Find a quieter time of day that you can go back over what you wrote earlier. Now is the time you can edit.

Do not write turning this time, remember the secret is keeping writing and editing separate. It takes far less energy to edit than it does to write. So I do it while I'm watching TV or riding in the car. The bottom line is once you get your thoughts out of your head and edited you can now piece it all together. Take the pieces of ad copy, cut and paste those thoughts into logical flow, ad your headline and call to action and it's done. Sounds easy huh? It is, and this can take you as litter or as much time as you want.

Write and edit for several days, weeks or months, whatever works best for you and your time-line. Try this secret and I bet you will find your writing much more enjoyable.

Cindy and Bob Floyd are full time internet marketers specializing in helping others build successful internet businesses. Visit our blog at for creating online business strategies. To learn more about how you can secure your financial future... Go to:

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