Website Marketing Strategies The Proven Tactics Of Website Promotion

There are many ways to promote your website. This is a small part of traffic generation. Traffic generation to your website is more to pay-per-click strategies from pay-per-click search engines like Google Adwords. For website marketing strategies, you should optimize your website to make it easier for search engines like Google and Yahoo! to locate your website and direct your customers to it. 1.

Keyword Optimization Let's say you're a customer who is looking for a sword as a collectible. If you are looking for a samurai sword, which is called a katana, an obvious word that you type into a search engine box to look for that sword, would of course be 'katana'. When the search engine generates results for you, you will notice various websites that sell that sword. Now instead, picture yourself as a retailer who is promoting your samurai swords in your website. Now in order for your customers to look for you, you have to optimize your website title to have the word 'katana' in it.

However, since there are too many websites that have that keyword on their sites, you have to find other keywords that other people use to search for the katana in your website title as well. You can use this free tool called Good Keywords to find out what other keyword or keyword phrases they use that have the word 'katana'in it. So, when you give a title to your website, it could be - 'Samurai Swords|Katana|Katana Sanyo'. 2.Site Submission You can submit your website to various website directories.

When you type 'Submit website' into a Google search engine box for example, it will list down millions of websites that provide free website submission to established search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN and also other respective search engine websites. It will take you about one to three months to get listed into these search engine directories. 3.

Article Marketing You can write about articles pertaining to the niche that you are in. Let's say your niche is about coffee beans. You can write good articles to teach people about how to select, roast and brew good coffee beans to make their own cup of coffee.

As for every article, in your resource box, write a bit about yourself in a third person format and give a link to your website. When readers appreciate your good article and would like to learn more, they will head down to your website. It would be very effective if you submit articles automatically using article submission directories. With just one article submission, your article can be submitted to over 500 article directories. If you want to try to submit your articles manually to 500 article directories, well.

good luck. Using this website marketing strategy. when you have submitted just one article to 500 article directories, how many chances are there for people to read and visit your site? Thousands! From just one article, Internet marketers, such as myself see tremendous inprovement in the number of links from article directories to our sites. Meaning to say if I were to create more than 10 articles to optimize or promote one website, how many visitors do you think I'll receive for that website? Do the math. 4.

Link Building Exchanging links with other recognized websites that have been online for a very long time can help your website gain recognition from search engines. However, emailing every single webmaster of your niche to create a link to your website is a very daunting task. There are some softwares out there such as SEO Elite that automatically sends out your email to thousands of other webmasters. When some webmasters of high-end sites agree to link to your site, not only can search engines look for you easily, but the visitors of that site can click on your link and head down to your website. These four website marketing strategies have been proven to work for website promotion. If your website is of good quality content and products, these tactics can help you in your website conversion rate.

Website conversion rate is the number of visitors who transform into your customers.

Jo Han Mok is a #1 bestselling author and a masterful planner in developing successful website marketing strategies. Find out how he can make you discover the internet millionaire within! Visit his website at

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